Adam Leake

Adam Leake

Digital Product Manager

John Lewis & Partners

Adam Leake is a customer journey expert defining customer-centric solutions to meet dynamic digital requirements. Trained as a chartered accountant, he brings an analytical ability to translate big ideas into agile technical initiatives to best support a customer throughout their full journey.

At John Lewis, Adam’s mission is to translate the great service its renowned for providing in stores to digital customers. He sets the direction and creates new engagement channels, including live chat, self-service capabilities, gamification and customer-friendly content.

Adam also was instrumental in the company’s deployment of the post-purchase experience provider ParcelLab, using it to change how John Lewis interacts with its customers post-purchase. The new CX includes adding banners into emails and driving customers to sales pages, introducing new offers and transforming the post-purchase customer experience.

In 2023, Adam gamified John Lewis’s customer communications, using its Christmas marketing to link customers to a Christmas quiz with a £250 prize. The quiz was shared on social media and immediately increased click rates, opening the door for John Lewis to engage with customers in a fun and innovative way while boosting its presence over the Christmas period.

“Always be clear on your outcome, and even more so, make sure you can accurately measure it. I’ve found a lot of people can scrape an outcome from what really is an ‘output’ deliverable, but not many can establish a baseline metric to target against, and even fewer can then fairly A/B test their hypothesis to prove the case statistically.”

How do you explain your profession to people outside of the industry? What do you find most exciting and/or rewarding about this work?

What are the core requirements of your job and how do you measure success?

What is one notable professional achievement you've made over the past year that you are most proud of?

What professional challenge or failure has stuck with you, and how did you embrace it?

What trend or technology do you believe will have the most profound impact on your work (and the work of your peers) over the next year?

If you could say one thing to your younger self, what would it be?