Jamie Jo Cockrell

Jamie Jo Boulogne-Cockrell

How do you explain your profession to people outside of the industry? What do you find most exciting and/or rewarding about this work?

What are the core requirements of your job and how do you measure success?

Being a people leader is critical in my role. Ensuring our team members stay our number-one priority, it is simply amazing how far that mentality can take us. Success can be measured with evaluation of team member engagement and ultimately lead to the overall performance results of the organization.

What is one notable professional achievement you've made over the past year that you are most proud of?

We launched the latest of our four lifestyle private brands as well as two new collaborations. Creating and delivering new, inspirational ideas with partners from across the globe is truly rewarding.

What professional challenge or failure has stuck with you, and how did you embrace it?

Failure related to specific product launches are always hard to swallow. But the resilience to focus on the learning and the acceptance of taking risks are both essential to success.

What trend or technology do you believe will have the most profound impact on your work (and the work of your peers) over the next year?

Modernization of tools, specifically in regard to how we communicate and engage with one another related to information gathering and sharing.

If you could say one thing to your younger self, what would it be?

Simply put, it is ok to not have all the answers.