How do you explain your profession to people outside of the industry? What do you find most exciting and/or rewarding about this work?

What are the core requirements of your job and how do you measure success?

Ops Services represents the voice of our general managers. Among the many hats we wear, our primary responsibility is to ensure that all core and new strategic initiatives are thoroughly vetted leveraging our stage-gate process, yielding a seamless integration into our day-to-day restaurant operations.

What is one notable professional achievement you've made over the past year that you are most proud of?

Development and implementation of our back-to-basics campaign known as Project Square One. Clearing the decks, eliminating the distractions and putting forth a robust training program enabled our restaurant and field leadership teams to focus on what truly matters: the development of exceptional people and preparation of exceptional food.

What professional challenge or failure has stuck with you, and how did you embrace it?

No single failure has stuck with me. There have been so many throughout my career I have lost count, however, I believe that has been vital to my personal and professional growth. The ability to not fear failure but learn from it and move forward is something I practice and preach often.

What trend or technology do you believe will have the most profound impact on your work (and the work of your peers) over the next year?

We are continuing to lean in on automation and simplification of current systems, processes and tools across restaurant operations. Identifying opportunities to reduce friction for our team members is a top priority, which ultimately translates into an elevated guest experience.

If you could say one thing to your younger self, what would it be?

Worrying is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but doesn’t take you anywhere.