Known to most as “Santi,” Zabala Travers leads Shapermint, a fast-growing direct-to-consumer intimates marketplace. Due to his work, Shapermint has also become an influential advocate for women’s body positivity and empowerment. Since 2018, he and his co-founders have grown Shapermint into a $250 million company with 4.4 million customers. The company also launched two in-house brands — Empetua and Truekind — all without external funding. Zabala Travers gleans insights about products from thousands of conversations Shapermint has with its customers each month. Before Shapermint releases new products, it enlists hundreds of women in co-designing and testing them. To give back, Shapermint raised $100,000 for the American Nurses Foundation through its #WeAreInThisTogether initiative during the pandemic.