Rinaldi is an NCIDQ-certified designer committed to creating experiences that bring brands to life. From her time with McDonald’s to her time at Arc Worldwide, she’s been known for pushing herself and her team to combine strategy with great design, always looking for new research to create better results. Going beyond her creative director role, Rinaldi is credited with selling, managing and designing along with her team. As an empathetic leader, she also cares about the mental health and morale of her team. Recent projects include a new store concept for Visionworks eye care; reimagining the auto repair experience of Firestone Complete Auto Care with a total interior and exterior design; and creating a new design for Samsung home appliances. She is slated to be a panelist at an upcoming SXSW on breastfeeding in the workplace, due to Arc’s partner pop-up Mother’s Lounge with the Leo Burnett Group.